Olin Decker Lougheed

Around 1920...
This says "Olin - Marion Apt - Spring of 1920"
Around 1910's ???...
This says "Maud (?), Roy, Olin and Lulu .. and Pierre ... Jane, Wondor - Oline ... Creek S.W. of Bryan, Ohio"
So top standing is Maud, Roy, Olin and Lulu. Olin is holding Pierre. Kids are Jane, Wondor and Oline - but can't really read hand-writing.
Around 1922s ...
Synder Ave., Montpelier , OHIO (One is marked Fort Wayne - but think that is an error.)
Around 1927...
This says "Pierre - Synder Ave, Montpelier, Ohio" - notice the driveway as in prior pictures. This is Cook O.P. (Olin Pierre) Lougheed
Around 1920's ???...
This says "Olin, Lulu, Ethel - consin from Col. - Olene & Pierre" - can we figure out what house this is?
Around 1920's ???...
This says "Methodist Church - Bryan, Ohio - Pierre & Mother" on both
Around 1927...
Written on back ... in Jeanne's handwriting ... "About 1927 - Lougheeds on their trip West. Olin Pierre "Cook" Lougheed - 5 years old; Aunt Lula Weaver, Ethel Lougheed, Olene Lougheed (later Grandy).
From other pictures we can tell it is Lulu in the bloomers on left.
Around 1927...
1927 Trip - That is COOK LOUGHEED by the door - same size picture and same hand writing ... notice the same car.
Written on back "Bought a [can't read ???] of grapefruit in [? Lex ? Lexington]".
It must be Lulu on the left. Ethel on right and Cook by door..