The first record of the name Sibbitt is found in Northamptonshire, England where they had been seated from very ancient times.Confusing to most, we found many different spellings in the archives researched. Although our name, Sibbitt, occurred in many manuscripts, from time to time the surname was often spelt Sibbald, Sibbold, Sibballs, Sibbell, Sibal, Sibbet, Sibaud, and these changes in spelling frequently occurred, even between father and son.
There is one record, a father and eight sons. In graveyard where they are buried, all nine have different spellings of their surnames. Many reasons were revealed for these spelling variations but mainly church officials and scribes spelt the name as it was told to them.
Sibbitt is an Anglo/Saxon name. This founding race of England, a fair skinned people led by General/Commanders Hengist and Horsa, settled in Kent from about the year 400 A.D. The Angles on other hand occupied the eastern coast.
The Anglo/Saxon five-century domination of English society was an uncertain time, and the nation divided into five separate kingdoms, a high king being elected as supreme ruler.
By 1066, King Harold came to the throne of England which was enjoying reasonable peace and prosperity. However, the invasion, from France and their victory at the Battle of Hastings, found many of the vanquished Saxon land owners to be forfeited their land by Duke William and his invading nobles. They became oppressed under Norman rule, and some moved northward midlands, Lancashire and Yorkshire, even into Scotland.
The family name Sibbitt emerged as a notable English family name in the county of Northampton where they held lands before the Norman Conquest in 1066, and were recorded in the Doomsday Book as being Lords of the manor of Sibbald.
They were forfeited their lands about 1100 and moved north to Scotland where they were granted lands by the Scottish King.
Sir Duncan Sibaud was of the clan.
His son, Sir Duncan Sybald, held lands in Cooper-Angus. David Sibbald rendered homage to King Edward I in his brief conquest of Scotland in 1296.
The clan under the Chief, William Sibbat, was forfeited their lands and lost their status as a clan in 1571. Meanwhile members of the family branched to Aberdeen, Gladswood in Berwick, in Stillwood Park in Berkshire, England and Balgonie and Rankeilor in Fifeshire.
Notable amongst the family at this time was Sir Robert Sibbald.
For the next two or three centuries the surname Sibbitt flourished and played a significant role in the political development of England. During the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries England was ravaged by religious and political conflict. Puritanism, Catholicism, Royalist and parliamentary forces shed much blood. Many families were freely "encouraged" to migrate to Ireland, or to the "colonies". Some were rewarded with grants of lands, while others were banished.
In Ireland, settlers became known as the Adventurers for land in Ireland. These Protestant settlers undertook to maintain the Protestant faith. There is no evidence that the family name Sibbald migrated to Ireland, but this does not preclude the possibility of their scattered migration to that country.
Meanwhile the New World beckoned and migration continued, some voluntarily from Ireland, but mostly directly from England or Scotland, their home territories.
Some clans and families even moved to the European continent. Perhaps this explains the widely held belief that Sibbitt is of French Ancestry.
Kinsmen of the family name Sibbitt were amongst the many whom sailed aboard the armada of small sailing, ships known as "White Sails " which plied the stormy Atlantic.
Principal amongst the settlers who could be considered a kinsman of the surname Sibbitt, or a variable spelling of that family name was:
Robert Sibballs who settled in Virginia in 1736;
John Sibbell settled in Boston, Mass. in 1768;
James Sibbald settled in New York- State in 1820;
John Sibbit settled in Philadelphia in 1805;
J. Sibbold settled in New York State in 1823.
This information has taken from documents complied by The Hall of Names (to which they hold a copyright). Professional analysts researched Doomsday Book compiled in 1086 A.D., by Duke William of Normandy, the Ragman Rolls (1291-1296) collected by King Edward 1st of England, the Curia Regis Rolls, The Pipe Rolls, the Hearth Rolls, parish registers, baptismals, tax records and other ancient documents to find this information. Certification Number - 943320-12.10 H-15658
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