by Ethel Mae Weaver Lougheed on January 1, 1935
Youth! What a glorious time of life. Happiness, assurance, energy and courage for every undertaking.
I get an immense thrill from all the youthful activity that surround us through Olene and Pierre. But, oh I wouldn't change my middle-aged smugness (?), I wouldn't turn back time to possess youth again. I don't like to think of passing on an "out", but for happiness, well we hold an overflowing share, Olin and I. And assurance? We still have confidence in our selves and life. We will win our ambitions yet for courage has never faltered , and thou energy does play tricks now and then there is still life in the "Old Dogs".
I don't envy youth, but I love it and this is a book of youth. Of Olene and her friends, etc. Of Pierre and his friends, etc.
Online is 15 now, 16 in April, weighs 112. She is a soph. Popular, lively, shiney-eyed blond and pretty. Witty & vivacious, never tiring away from home, but too inclined to slack her share of home duties, fault-finding and touchy with the family, but instantly contrite.
A little procrastinator with studies and work. I am sorry for this, it brings lower grades than she is capable of earning and will bring less opportunities and less realization of dreams and ambitions all through life, if she doesn't correct it. She is at a listless age and loves to read.
Olene possesses a large amount of dramatic ability, but as yet hasn't the urge it takes to develop it. She doesn't realize that that [sic] and hard work are the the only safe foundations for a dramatic career. If she cared enough she could reach the top, but who knows, she is very, very young. After all, her great happiness may not lie that way.
She is showing her first real interest in boys this year and seems to be collecting them. She is frightfully independent, but they seen to like it. Well independence and square play make a good combination.
At this time she has two Hi-Y pins, Max Chistman's and Jim Twayers. Jim is the president. A Hi-Y pin is only accepted from your "steady" it seems, but Olene refuses to have a steady and told the boys she liked both their pins, but if either wanted his back, because she had the other to say so. She keeps them both.
Pierre is 12, will be 13 in April. Is average for his age in height and a little heavy, but solid and stronger than the average. Weighs 105. Has light brown, very unruly hair, big dark brown eyes, a ready infectious smile and spontaneous laugh. Generous and lovable unless nagged, a quick short lived temper. Dislikes being alone - doesn't mind work, if in company, when he promptly turns it into play. Will shirk work or study to be with the "bunch". He has a keen mind, but as yet doesn't like to use it - hasn't learned to concentrate unless vitally interested. This produces low grades in some subjects at school. He is highly inthueastic [sic] about Boy Scouts, and is Asst. Patrol Leader at present.
Pierre loves swimming and spends hours at the creeks in Summer. He has boundless energy, doesn't care whether mealtime arrives or not and has little regard for personal appearance. Just can't be bothered with such little things. However, I can see a slow improvement along that line every year.
Girls do not bother him much as yet. They can't compete with football, Scouts and swimming.
He is a B O Y - every letter a capital. Only four things will keep him still - radio - movies - oral reading (by someone else) and sleep.
Sun, Max told his father, Nedra was having a party in the evening and he wanted the big car. There was no party, but he came over for Olene to go to Napoleon to dance. Olene was at the show with Jim. Too bad Max, but little boys shouldn't fib. He took another girl and Olene said, "I didn't like her before, anyway."
Speaking of soap, Ned (Hitt) washed in Life Boy and went down to Nedra's Nedra told him to wash again in some other soap or go home. He washed again. She then told him to get different soap. Ned asked his Mother to change the soap, but mother refuses. So Ned spends his own money for expensive soap. But when Nedra wants to go to the show upon his next date, he tells her he can not take her, his is broke, having spent his cash on soap.
Mr. Mick asked the 7th grade history class if any of them we Scotch. Pierre proudly waves his hand in the air and Howard (Hanger) says "We Know That", then Ted says "The Scotch are tight wads aren't they?" Mr. Mick replies - "We all know that, too."
If that is a true indication of a Scotman, Pierre isn't Scotch. His money flows like Niagra.